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Andrew Giddings
MI5 was aware of torture, but should you be aware?
No one was really surprised to find out that MI5 was aware of the torture of Binyam Mohamed, but being unsurprised does not mean being unconcerned.
Governments, along with their security and intelligence agencies, have always kept secrets from the public. Usually with good reason, one would hope, but this issue is difficult to gauge. Most people are saddened by the news that MI5 knew about about it and did little, if anything, to discourage it. But are we better off for knowing about it?
Faith in MI5 has been shaken, and its chief, Jonathan Evans, notes that this embarrassment may well be used as propaganda by those who don't have the prosperity of Britain and the US in mind. Whether that is the fault of the court for making the information public, or of MI5 for their conduct in the first place, will always be open for debate.
Perhaps a more pressing question is whether or not the safety of the British public has been compromised. It has been hinted that the USA may think twice before sharing intelligence with Britain in future. Is it worth the trade off?
It is human nature for people to want to be aware of such things. No one likes the idea of hushed conversations behind closed doors, especially when their taxes are paying for the coffee. But while the public will generally be pleased with the judgement that this information be made available, the price of this information is a rattled confidence in the powers that control the country, and a potential decrease in intelligence, and therefore in national security.
Looked at in this way, many people would prefer to be kept in the dark about such matters if it means they're more likely to be able to ride a bus in relative safety. Secrecy is integral to security on this scale, and no one can judge whether we should have a lot of secrecy or just a little bit of secrecy.
Well, a judge can judge it. But does a person's position within the legal system mean their judgements are right and accurate? David Miliband says no. The CIA says no. What do you say?
White House Spokesman Taunts Sarah Palin
During a speech on Saturday, Sarah Palin showed her Tennessee audience (and the rest of the world) that she hasn't lost her touch when it comes to humiliating herself; a glimpse of her hand revealed that she had scrawled the reminders "energy", "tax", and of course "lift american spirits". Clearly, it was difficult for her to remember three points which have (probably) been included in every major US political speech in the last ten years, so Robert Gibbs decided to poke fun at her.
Delivering his brief, Gibbs allowed photographers to capture images of his palm, revealing his own list: "Milk, Eggs, Bread, Hope, Change"
This is a rather clever move. It takes a jab at the Republicans, who have been gaining ground on the Obama administration, adds some humour to a hard political time, and gathers a great deal of media attention (even that of this respected weblog). The Democrats will be attacked for this, but there's no denying that while ridicule may be childish, it has always been a very effective tactic to make a joke of the opposition- John Wilkes provides a shining example.
Luxury Items: Why people think you're crazy
School Students Murdered by Gunmen
Thomson Reuters has reported the killing of 14 high school students by gunmen in Mexico on Sunday.
Reporter Julian Cardona described the scene at Ciudad Juarez as a massacre, saying: "Gunmen jumped out of sport utility vehicles and fired at the students... in a house in the city across the border from El Paso, Texas... Bodies lay on the street outside and pools of blood collected by nearby parked cars. Inside the house, the walls were stained with blood and marked with bullet holes"
Ciudad Juarez is one of the world's most dangerous cities. Attacks like this are not uncommon and often involve drug cartels.
Reports like this are shocking for everyone who reads them, but one has to wonder how different the resulting thoughts and feelings may be between people in Britain and those who live in Mexico or the US.
Of course, the closer to the scene you reside, the more likely it is that you knew someone involved. Gun crime is more common on the American side of the Atlantic and the danger seems all the more real.
Thousands of miles of ocean must help the British people distance themselves from such events, the likes of which are virtually unheard of in the UK. But perhaps the otherworldliness of the situation makes it harder to comprehend and upsetting in a different way.
But as illegal weapons and organised crime crop up more often in the British press, it begs the question: Are incidents like this as far away as we'd like to believe?
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About Me

- Andrew Giddings
- I am a twenty-something year-old student studying BA Journalism at the University of Winchester. The idea of this blog is to give readers some insight into the course as well as providing classmates with additional notes and information.