Today's lectures were Media Law and History and Context of Journalism.

Media Law was an introduction to give students an idea of what to expect over the coming weeks, though my inquisitive mind, spurred on by a fear of prison showers, prompted me to ask questions which weren't due to be answered for some time. I shall be paying much attention to Media Law, not only to avoid incarceration but also to work out exactly what a journalist can get away with.

The afternoon held the lecture for HCJ. A rapid-fire history of Renaissance philosophers may seem to have little to do with journalism, but in fact the connections are numerous. Firstly, one role of a philosopher is to make sense of the world, condense their observations into some snappy and understandable text before flinging it at anyone who'll pay attention and/or money. Sounds familiar. Also, intensive philosophy study puts a sharp edge on the mind (albeit less in the manner of a barber with a strop and more like Hephaestus with a big hammer) . The ability to take an idea and discuss it in detail from several angles is a useful thing not only in journalism, but in everyday life. Finally, in the introduction to 'History of Western Philosophy', Bertrand Russell says that, "The studying of these questions, if not the answering of them, is the business of philosophy." This can be applied to the work of a journalist also. Though if the challenge is along the lines of exposing leathery ties between a senior politician and Max Mosely's favourite "nightclub", I'll do my best to disremember a certain libel case and provide an answer.